Thursday, December 26, 2013


As it turns out, must people believes that kisses are a sacred action that should be kept between lovers. Although it is important to say that there is several types of kisses. A very important kind, mostly predominant it Hispanic cultures and romantic areas such as France and Italy, is the famous kiss in the chic. Here in the States, this kind of kiss is very popular among women and gay men. And what do this to communities have in common? well they tempt to be very happy among each other and have a bigger connection with their conversations. On the other hand straight men keep their communication levels to a very basic set of norms that, unconsciously, have existed since the dawn of civilization.
Moving back to the kiss, I have to say that I love kissing and I love to do it every day and with everyone! And no I don't mean french kissing... Is more like a simple kiss to the chic to anyone that is willing to take it. And why would I like to kiss people? you might wonder. Well here is why:

1. Kissing a person automatically destroys any type of boundary that could have existed between the kisser and the kissed.
2. after a kiss, it is very difficult to feel as a stranger around someone. Therefore you act more naturally with no need of "acting according to the norm" meaning trying to fit in.
3. Have you heard the expression "let me kiss it better"? I am sure you have. Well let me let you in a little secret, this is not only an expression but a fact. The moment someone lips come in touch with your hurting skin, your body automatically produces enzymes that attack the pain and help heal faster. So maybe when you say hi to someone with a kiss in their chic you could be making some pain go away. You could be making someone's life better every day.
4. People has this idea of the "personal space" which I personally find to be nonsense. You see, nowadays there is a tendency to be intimate with strangers that were met at bars or even art galleries. And the way I see it it is a way for people to fill in a blank in their life. I could be wrong in this but I'll tell you something, if people kissed more often, the need for random attention would decrease since we would already have a bit of love in every kiss we receive.
5. Finally and foremost, kissing is the greatest sign of appreciation you could give to anyone and what better moment to let your friends and family how grateful you are of them being in your life than with a gentle kiss on their chic at the very moment you see them for the first time every day?

So don't be afraid of a little physical contact, after all and unless your friends are not made of poison, is doing only good things for you! And yes, I suffer of Basorexia, the overwhelming desire to kiss...

Happy holidays!
Much love Alex
Photo Courtesy

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